100K Miles in 1 Year

My quest to earn Premier 1K status on United Airlines


Being a part of military family that has been stationed in Japan since 1997 has provided me plenty of opportunities to travel. From traveling to and from Tokyo for sports, going to and from the Philippines to visit family, and the occasional trip back to the states, traveling has become second nature to me.It wasn’t until I started going to college and traveling at least twice a year back and forth between Japan and the US that I began paying attention to all the miles I was accumulating. In addition to traveling between Japan and the US, I was traveling frequently to Washington (state) and California to visit my girlfriend and sister. I knew that these miles were worth something, but it wasn’t until I had enough to redeem for a business class flight from Tokyo to Seattle, that I realized that I wanted as many miles as possible.

I finally earned Premier status on United Airlines in 2009, earned it again in 2010, but failed to earn it in 2011, mostly due to flying on American Airlines traveling back to school and I didn’t fly that much studying abroad in Guilin, China.  A bit disappointed and sad that I didn’t earn any elite status on any airline, I’ve decided that this year I’m going all the way to the top (well close to the top) and fly at least 100,000 miles to earn 1K status on United Airlines and Star Alliance Gold.Since this is my last semester as a student, there’s no better time than now to accumulate and take on mileage runs. Flexibility and time is on my side now since I don’t have a job, yet.

Starting last year, I finally started reading blogs about earning miles and elite status and since then I’ve been hooked. If you take a look at my blog roll on Google Reader, it’s filled with everything related to earning and redeeming miles as well as financial advice and tips, since the two are quite related.

Although I’m no expert by any means, this blog will track my progress and experiences getting to 100,000 in one year. I’ll also throw in some tips and stuff I’ve learned about traveling over the (few) years I’ve been doing this.


Premier 1K mileage count: 9660 miles down, 90340/100000 miles to go.

Million Miler Miles (United): 96630 miles down, 903370/1000000 miles to to go.

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